The attitude of triumph - Part 3

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The pastor talks about his series of sermons on the successful life and why he chose to preach on this topic. He believes that the Gospel is practical and can help people in their daily lives. One of the keys to success is expanding our mental panorama and believing that God can give us great things. We should look to the future with optimism and believe that God wants to bless us. Another important factor is obeying God's word and living according to its principles. The pastor encourages the congregation to believe that God actively wants to bless them and to open their minds to the big vistas that God has for them.

The speaker discusses the importance of obeying God's commandments and submitting to authority as a key to success. He emphasizes the need to honor parents and live according to God's values, aligning all aspects of life with the truth of the Gospel. The speaker encourages listeners to be specific in their requests to God and to believe in His blessings for them. He also cites examples of successful cultures, such as the Asian community, that prioritize discipline and specificity.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting specific goals in life and taking specific steps to achieve them. He uses the example of wanting a blessed marriage and encourages individuals to read, attend workshops, communicate with their spouse, seek advice, apologize, and make an effort. The speaker also discusses the power of visualization in achieving success in various areas of life.

Visualizing success is important to achieve it. We need to cultivate the ability to see inside and develop our ability to dream big. It is important to focus on the goal, keeping our eyes on Jesus, who is the source of power. We need to fill ourselves with joy and visualize the blessings to come, making present suffering secondary. This is the difference of a successful person. We should expand our expectations and believe that God is for us. Through receiving the seed of God's fullness and glory, we can become a powerful and enviable people for His glory.

In January I began a series of sermons that I titled “the successful life” or “the life of excellence”, and we began to talk about ways in which we can embody the abundant life that Christ has come to give each of us.

And for different reasons in the following weeks, I think it was in March, sorry in February, the first week or the second week, we had to suspend that series because a number of different things: we had many invited preachers, I was traveling, the fast that intervened, and many other things. Thank God we haven't wasted time. God has been a great blessing to us, we have had beautiful preachers and it has been precious, but we had to suspend that series for a while, which many told me was being a blessing to their lives. And I have always had in mind to go back to continue with it.

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