Making local sermons global: Spreading God's Word across languages and borders

Ernst Diehl
Ernst Diehl

RESUMEN: Our website aims to make sermons available in different languages to a global audience, inspired by Isaiah 40:8. We partner with pastors and individuals who have a passion for evangelism. Currently, we offer resources in English and Spanish and are working on expanding to other languages. Our goal is to ensure that anyone, regardless of location or language, has access to the transformative power of God's Word.

Welcome to our multiplication ministry website! Our goal is to take the sermons delivered by pastors in local communities and make them available to a global audience in different languages. We believe that the transformative power of God's Word should not be limited by time, location, or language, and should be accessible to all who seek it, wherever they may be. Inspired by Isaiah 40:8, we are committed to making sure that the Word of God stands forever.

We are excited to partner with pastors who have delivered and recorded a sermon and want to expand its reach beyond their local community. We also want to partner with people who have a passion for evangelism and a desire to share God's message with those who speak a particular language or are located in a specific country. Our website currently offers resources in English and Spanish, and we are actively working on expanding to other languages.

Through our ministry, we aim to make the impact of these sermons global, reaching people who may have never had access to them before. We want to ensure that anyone, regardless of where they are located or what language they speak, has the opportunity to experience the transformative power of God's Word.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope that you will join us on this journey to make a difference in the lives of people around the world.

More info: Making local sermons global: Adding a new language to the web site - Technical considerations

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Ernst Diehl
Making local sermons global: Adding a new language to the site - Technical considerations
Adding a new language to the website involves translation, Bible license, email list, and search. Contact Ernst Diehl for more information.

Isaiah 40
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