Sometimes we have too big an ego

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker expresses a desire for the manifestation of the spirit of God in their congregation and is willing to make themselves humble and weak to allow the Lord to work through them. They emphasize the importance of humility and simplicity, using the Apostle Paul as an example of someone who did not rely on eloquence or grandeur in their preaching. The speaker encourages the congregation to cultivate humility and denounce themselves before God, so that the power of the spirit can manifest through them. They also stress the importance of not boasting or elevating any individual, but rather focusing on Christ. The church should be a place for all, regardless of education, status or background.

The speaker encourages humility and denouncing oneself before God, which will prevent the devil from accusing us. He speaks about the danger of becoming too comfortable with the well-organized program and order of the church, forgetting the power of God. He suggests a return to the simplicity of early Christianity, where people gathered in houses and had no technology or theological education. He emphasizes the importance of being a church of the Holy Spirit, transparent and not drawing attention to oneself. He urges a focus on the crucified Christ and the power of God rather than human wisdom. The speaker also shares his own struggles with balancing order and excellence with the need for the Holy Spirit's involvement. He believes that both are necessary for a healthy, balanced church.

The pastor urges his congregation to remove all the scaffolding in their spiritual lives and to seek a visitation of the supernatural power of God. He calls for consecration of their homes and church to the Lord and for them to be used as instruments for His glory. The pastor prays for the Lord to consume their time and for them to be completely passionate about God alone.

I am hungry for the spirit of God to manifest in our midst, brothers. I am willing to make a fool of myself if I have to for the Lord to manifest himself in this place. I want to make myself very poor and very weak so that the Lord does what he wants to do in our midst. And sometimes through those humiliations and discomforts, through the breaks in our ego, the Lord then has the opportunity to manifest himself. Sometimes we have too big an ego and we protect it too much and the Lord says, well, I'm going to make it your ego that is maintained and not my ego, which is the Holy Spirit that I want to manifest.

So, stammering and doing clumsy things, the Lord glorifies himself through the gestures that we make. And it is because we want the spirit of the Lord to have control of our congregation. I believe that the Lord is already tired of the same old thing. I am tired. I have been pastoring for 30 or so years and God has blessed my ministry and has blessed this church but I feel that God has something else, God has another mountain to climb, God has another stage, because the Kingdom of God is always a process, to go further and further and further, not content with what we have.

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