Let everything be done for edification

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of being mature in one's thinking and reasoning about the Bible and living the life of the spirit. He references 1 Corinthians 14:20-33, where Paul talks about the use of tongues and prophecy in the church. The speaker emphasizes that prophecy is not just about predicting the future, but can also be a word of correction or encouragement from God. He also notes that the use of tongues should be done in a way that is understandable and edifying to others. The goal is to transform lives, not just have a spiritual party. The speaker urges listeners to judge things of the spirit and prioritize edification in all aspects of their gatherings.

The speaker discusses the importance of having a balanced and practical spirituality that is grounded in the teachings of the Bible while also embracing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He highlights the contradiction between Pentecostal churches that emphasize the gifts but often struggle with financial and societal impact, and non-Pentecostal churches that may not emphasize the gifts as much but are often more prosperous and impactful. The speaker argues that it is possible to have the best of both worlds and that a balanced spirituality can lead to prosperity and growth for both individuals and the church as a whole. He advocates for a long-term vision and wise use of resources in building the Kingdom of God.

The speaker is advocating for a healthy, balanced spirituality that includes passion and anointing but also takes advantage of reason and wisdom in the word of God. He criticizes the "super spiritual" who ignore practical considerations and only focus on spiritual experiences. He cites the example of the Corinthian church and how the Apostle Paul advised them to have order and coherence in their worship to avoid alienating visitors. He defends his own ministry style, which prioritizes solid teaching and preaching over relaxation in services.

In this sermon, Paul defends his ministry style, which focuses on solid teaching and preaching rather than relaxation and entertainment. He urges the church to follow the word of God and use spiritual gifts in a way that edifies and blesses others, rather than serving oneself. He emphasizes the importance of building up the body of Christ and promoting harmony and coherence in all aspects of life. He urges the church to examine themselves and their actions in light of God's word and to strive for healthy and balanced spirituality. The sermon ends with a prayer for wisdom and understanding in all that the church does.

I want to invite you to go to First Corinthians, Chapter 14, let's go to verse 20 to 33. I am going to read this word, pay attention to it while you read it because at some point in the message I am going to go into an exposition of that word and the my introduction is based on that word. And I want to continue with the series of sermons that we interrupted for Christmas and other things that intervened, that series of sermons that I titled 'Complex Faith', in the spirit of continuing to explain what we believe, what I believe as a pastor of this Congregation, and why we do things the way we do them and why we don't do them the way we don't do them, and why sometimes it's difficult to locate ourselves, if we are Pentecostals, if we are 4-by-4 evangelicals, what is who we are and why sometimes it is difficult to locate ourselves where we are. And I hope it is because we are within the complexity of the word of God, which is complex.

Listen to how Paul reasons, because we have to learn through the Holy Spirit, he is reasoning. And you say, well, if the Holy Spirit leads Paul to reason like that, then I have to learn to reason also in my own life and in things of the spirit. Verse 20 says:

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