Romans 12 (Part 8)

Dr. Roberto MirandaSUMMARY:
In Romans 2:13, the concept of sharing with the needs of the saints is discussed. The Greek word for sharing has the insinuation of fellowship, intimacy, and identification with those we are sharing with. We must be sensitive to the needs of others and participate in them. However, the Bible also calls for a special sensitivity to the needs of God's people, the members of our fellowship and the body of Christ. In Galatians 6:9-10, it is emphasized that we should not grow weary of doing good and should do well to everyone, but especially to the family of faith. As a congregation, we need to be attentive to the needs of each other and take care of them. However, we must not abuse the generosity of our brethren and exercise discipline, care, soberness, and wisdom.
The passage being discussed is about identifying oneself with the needs of others, particularly those of the faith. It is important to be generous and give to others while also being mindful not to abuse the generosity of others. It is also important to practice hospitality and love the stranger, even those who may not be attractive or cool. The passage emphasizes the need to exercise Christian virtues with passion and diligence, not just as a passive action. Christians must also embrace their gift and use them with a sense of naturalness and for the glory of God. The passage ends with a call to be a family of faith, supporting and loving each other, and greeting each other with blessings.
Let us embrace the values of generosity, tenderness, and love for others as taught in scripture. Let us strive to be a family of faith, supporting and loving each other, and worshiping together. Let us greet and bless each other as we leave this place.Let’s go to Romans Chapter 2. I think by now most of the congregation can open with their eyes closed the 12th chapter, Romans because we’ve been there for many, many weeks now. We’ve been studying that chapter very, very deep contents and going through different points and examination, the call to Christian life that reflects the values, the character of Jesus Christ, the fruit of the spirit. We’ve also been dealing with Christian service and how Christian service should be conducted in the context of the congregation, what kind of attitudes should permeate the Christian service.
In verse 12 last Sunday we discussed the last part of verse 12, we are told that we’re supposed to be firm in prayer, constant in prayer, I think that’s what it says in English. Just to refresh our memory, the Greek word “proscarterontes” with respect to prayer that is translated steadfast or constant has the insinuation of a militancy, of insistence, of persistence, of just standing firm despite the fact that perhaps we haven’t received the answer to our prayers and being continuous about prayer.