nothing will be impossible

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: Prayer is not just about following biblical principles, but also about accessing the power of God to intervene directly in our lives. Prayer is the channel that allows God's power to enter the Earth and break the darkness and ties in our lives. It mobilizes resources from heaven in our favor, brings discernment and wisdom, and changes our perspective. Prayer allows us to step out of nature and into a dimension that affects nature in inconceivable ways. Through prayer, we can affect the universe and change circumstances no matter how difficult they may seem. We should make our lives a life of prayer and cry, and nothing will be impossible in the power of God.

We've been talking in this series about the God who heals us, the God who wants us to live healthy lives, the God who wants to restore us and lift us up from our fallen positions, the distortions of life.

And in these last three weeks, I think we've made a hiatus from the larger topic to talk about prayer. We have been talking about that role that prayer plays. And I want to make a summary, and that will be my sentence. What I mean is that we have talked about so many different general principles of health.

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