Fighting for the land beyond your own backyard

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: English)

SUMMARY: In Luke 13:10-17, Jesus heals a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years in a synagogue on the Sabbath. The ruler of the synagogue was angry that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, but Jesus rebuked him and said that it was appropriate to heal on the Sabbath. The passage teaches us about the heart of Christ, his ministry, and our relationship with him. We should seek the word of God first and be people of prayer and character. When adversity comes into our lives, we must be prepared to confront and defeat the powers of darkness. Many churches fail to detect and confront demonic presences, and there is a need for more spiritual knowledge and power in the air to extract them.

The passage discusses a woman who had a spirit of infirmity and was unable to straighten herself up for 18 years. The speaker believes that this woman represents humanity in a broken and shackled state, and that many people today may be similarly burdened by the demonic. He encourages believers to cultivate an attitude of desperation and cry out to God for deliverance, as therapy and reasoning alone may not be enough. The speaker also mentions a dream he had about a demonic archer demarcating a territory, possibly indicating the need for spiritual warfare.

The speaker had a dream about a demonic warrior who demarcated territories with his arrows. The speaker saw people being hurt and abused by demonic entities and realized that Satan demarcates territories and is possessive about them. The church needs to confront the enemy to free people from their infirmities and brokenness. The church needs to have the power, mentality, outlook, skills, knowledge of the word of God, and the conditions to confront the enemy. The church needs to adopt a warrior spirit and not be nice. The church needs to cultivate the power of the Holy Spirit to break the bent-overness of people who are burdened with demonic burdens, disease, depression, homosexuality, anger, violence, abuse, and pain. The church needs to be a church of deliverance that creates an atmosphere that makes it impossible for demonic bondage to remain undetected and untreated. The church needs to be a people that can do the work of the Kingdom and become a warrior people with a warrior heart for warrior times.

The speaker prays for a release of the warrior spirit in God's people, stating that there will be a release of demonic power like never before. They ask for an endowment of power, holiness, and knowledge of the mysteries of the spirit. They declare a powerful, irresistible church and rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus Christ, taking refuge under his wings and covering themselves with his blood and power. They pray for the Christ that restored the woman to be seen walking and teaching again in these times and in this place.

Let’s go to the word of the Lord and quickly run through a passage which, I believe, you know, after I started thinking about this passage I really think that this sermon my have a prophetic dimension to it and I’ll explain why in a moment, but the more I started thinking about it, and it’s, by the way, Luke Chapter 13, beginning with verse 10.

After I started meditating upon it and in the light of an experience that I want to share with you, it really, I believe that somehow it was not a coincidence, I’m in between series of sermons and so on and so forth and you know, just thought that it might be an interesting passage for us to meditate upon and to extract some meaning and teaching from. But the more I think about it, I really believe that there’s a connection here somewhere in the spiritual realms that I hopefully will be able to develop this evening with you.

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