When the test comes, don't be surprised

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Do not be surprised when you face trials and difficulties in life, as they are inevitable in this fallen world. The Apostle Peter reminds us to rejoice in our sufferings, as we are identifying with the very nature of Jesus Christ, who also experienced great trials and pain on earth. Through our trials, we have an opportunity to draw closer to God and become more like Christ. So, do not be discouraged, but stand firm in faith and trust in God's love and faithfulness.

When you have a problem here on earth, do not be sorry, do not be surprised or dumbfounded as if it were something strange what is happening to you. If you are alive you are going to suffer difficult situations. Now, if you are dead, then you are not going to have any problems! But if you are alive and in the world you are going to have to deal with the inevitable circumstances of this fallen world, so don't be surprised when adversity hits. This is what the Apostle Peter tells his readers in 1 Peter 4:12, and that is also said to you and me. Declare: "Beloved Ones, do not be surprised by the trial fire that has befallen you."

Have you had tests in the last few months? The apostle Peter tells us: "Do not be surprised by that trial fire." He says: "As if something strange happened to you." And then he adds: "But rejoice because you are partakers of the sufferings of Christ."

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