Presentation May 1, 2009 : In the Land of Pilgrims

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: This is a transcript of a book launch event for Dr. Roberto Miranda's book "In the Land of Pilgrims - The Hispanic Evangelical Church and its Redeeming Call." The event began with a prayer led by Fanny Rodríguez, followed by an introduction of Dr. Miranda by Pastor Omar Soto. Dr. Miranda then presented and read from his book. Panelists Rev. Eliseo Noguera, Dr. Benjamín Valentín, and Pastor Sergio Perez provided comments, and there was an open space for questions and answers. The event concluded with farewell and thanks by David Diaz. Dr. Miranda spoke about the title and cover of his book, explaining that "pilgrims" has a double meaning referring to both the original settlers of the United States and to Hispanic Evangelical Christians who are also pilgrims in a spiritual sense. He also discussed how the book came about and the vision that animates it.

The Hispanic community in the United States has the potential to positively influence the nation's culture and society through its strong relationship with faith and spirituality. With a growing population and increasing purchasing power, the Latino Church is positioned to exercise decisive leadership over the Hispanic community. The Hispanic Church has the potential to play a determining role in the standard of living that the community reaches in the future. It also has the potential to integrate healthily into the general society in this country and exert an important influence on that majority culture. God has a doubly benevolent purpose in bringing the Latino people to this country: to bless them by allowing them to participate in the opportunities and resources that this prosperous nation offers, but also to bless the nation by fertilizing and renewing it with the spiritual wealth that they embody.

The speaker praises the book "In the land of the Pilgrims" by Reverend Roberto Miranda and emphasizes that it helps to correct anti-intellectualism and the tendency to focus solely on spiritual matters within some evangelical churches. The book argues that God has called the Hispanic people to play a renewing spiritual role in the United States, and the speaker highlights factors such as the Christian sensibility, moral values, respect for authority, miscegenation, family importance, and spirituality of the Hispanic community that give them the ability to do so. The speaker also praises the book's well-written and convincing arguments and erudite nature, and encourages the audience to read it.

The speaker praises the book "In the Land of Pilgrims" for its content, particularly the paragraph discussing the spirituality and hospitality of Latin people. They also raise two questions about the book's idealistic presentation of the first European pilgrims and the origins of secularism in reaction to failures in faith communities. Despite these questions, they applaud the author's vision and contribution through the book. Another speaker highlights the importance of training leaders and the author's ability to navigate complexity and connect history. They view the book as a manual for locating opportunities and challenges for the Latino community in the United States. The speaker also thanks the congregation for being a laboratory for God's work and inspiring new projects and movements. The book is praised for inspiring a new level of spiritual life and passion for the Kingdom of God.

The book is not only inspiring spiritually, but it also has the potential to inspire movements and projects. The time of only being within the four walls of a church is coming to an end. The book aims to change the perception of the Hispanic community as a burden to the nation and instead to recognize their contributions to the economy and society. The original idea for the book was to take the León de Judá Congregation as a microcosm of the Latino community in the United States. The title "Lion of Judah in the New World" represents the central thesis of the book. The book is also seen as a love letter to the Hispanic community, looking at their drama and seeing the beauty of what God is doing in their lives.

In a Q&A session, Pastor Miranda discusses his book and the importance of the Latino community and the church in the United States. He talks about the need for Hispanic pastors to better educate themselves and become involved in their communities, as well as the importance of capitalizing on the gifts and potential of the younger generation. He also discusses the need for national unity among Hispanic organizations and leaders, and the role of philanthropic groups in supporting the development of the Hispanic church. Finally, a parishioner shares a personal testimony about the power of faith and the impact of Roberto Miranda's vision in their community.

The book discusses the clash of cultures in North America and the violent history of indigenous communities. René is impacted by the book's vision for the future of their community. Pastor Miranda thanks God for his wife Meche, who has been a blessing to his life and ministry, and for his daughters who have been with him on his journey. He gives God the glory and honor for providing everything in its time.

Celebrating the publication of the book "In the Land of Pilgrims - The Hispanic Evangelical Church and its Redeeming Call" (Dr. Roberto Miranda)

Welcome……. Pastor Omar Soto

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