God always keeps what he promises

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The story of Abraham begins with a promise from God: if you are willing to leave everything behind and follow me, I will make a great nation of you and bless you. Abraham took the risk and followed God, even though he didn't know where he was going. When he arrived in Canaan, God promised him the land and Abraham believed Him. If you trust God and put your hand in His, He will show His faithfulness and fulfill His promises to you.

The story of Abraham begins with a promise from God: if you are willing to leave your country and your nation, I will make a great nation of you. If you are willing to leave your town where you are known, where everyone knows you by name and if you are willing to become a nobody, a zero left, then I will give you a great name.

If you are willing to leave your safety, your comfort zone and live a risky life then I am going to fight your battles. All who bless you I will bless, all who dishonor you I will curse; I'm going to fight your battles, I'm going to guard your back, but you have to be willing to give up everything. If you are willing to give up the dream of your life, maybe the career, the plan that you had for your life and lose everything and wander in an unknown land, then I am going to give you a new plan for your life, a new destination. . In you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

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