Carlos - Take care of yourself as a temple of God

Pastor Carlos
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Pastor Carlos shares his testimony of going through a difficult time of depression and illness despite being in the ministry for many years. He draws from the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19, who also wished for death in a moment of despair. Pastor Carlos emphasizes the importance of detoxifying ourselves spiritually and physically through fasting and taking care of our bodies, as we are temples of the Holy Spirit. He also warns against being unprepared for revival and losing out on what God has in store for us.

The speaker shares his personal journey of experiencing profound encounters with God and questioning God when he was diagnosed with a serious illness. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's physical body as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. He also talks about expanding one's circle of friends to evangelize and bring revival to others. He encourages the audience to evaluate their faith and take control of their lives. The speaker believes that God is the God of opportunities and wants to renew and restore one's life through the dimension of the spirit.

The speaker encourages people to take control of their lives and not let illnesses, feelings, or situations take over. He shares his personal journey of taking control of his health and competing with younger men in the gym. He emphasizes that God has given us the authority to take control of our lives and that we should not let the devil take away what God has given us. He encourages people to pray and take back what the devil has taken from them. He also reminds people that God is with them and wants to use them for a prophetic dimension to reach people and nations. The speaker also shares his personal regret of not taking care of his health and losing out on a great revival in his church. He encourages people to not lose out on what God has for them and to take care of their bodies, which are temples of the Lord.

Pastor Carlos is a very dear brother to us, he has been here in the city of Boston for many years and I have always felt that fatherly spirit of him. He invited me when I was new here in Boston to preach at his Pentecostal church, and I will never forget that you took a moment to have everyone embrace God. That I had never done. Oh, it was very powerful. So God has brought him in to share a little different testimony. So get ready and receive what God has for us. God bless you brother.

I appreciate the invitation that Pastor Gregory `extended to share with you something very special that God has given me. I am very glad to be here this afternoon, to be able to share something that I went through and that I want as a prophetic voice to bring this word to this church. These retreats that this church is carrying out have the purpose of moving us to another spiritual level. But in every spiritual move we have to prepare ourselves. We do not arrive at places by chance, we arrive by direction. True or false?

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