An Appointment with Christ: Proverbs 3 (Part 6)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Book of Proverbs, written by wise men inspired by the Holy Spirit, offers valuable advice for life. Proverbs 3:9-10 instructs us to honor God with our possessions and first fruits, and in return, God will bless us with abundance. Honoring God with our possessions means supporting His work on Earth, such as donating to churches, charities, and helping those in need. By giving generously, we show our love for God and receive His blessings. It is not about the amount we give but the heart behind it. When we give our best to God, He blesses us abundantly.

We have been obtaining our last meditations from a very profound Chapter of the word of the Lord found in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 specifically. The Book of Proverbs was largely written by the wise Solomon, one of the wisest men that ever lived.

The Bible says that God gave Solomon wisdom like no man before or after him. The writers who contributed their teachings to the Book of Proverbs were men enlightened and inspired by the holy spirit and therefore their advice has that characteristic depth of God's wisdom. We have seen through these last meditations how the Bible calls us to treasure it and to place it above all other things and to make it the very foundation of our lives. And we have seen how God promises that the person who bases his life on the principles of God's word has the right to expect a happy life before God, before men. The Bible calls us to have an attitude of dependence on God, not to trust in ourselves or our own intelligence, but to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord, not to be wise in our own opinion, that is, not to consider ourselves ourselves as wise, but to view ourselves humbly knowing that our wisdom rather depends on God's wisdom.

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