Rejoice in the Lord always!

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares a call from God's Word to rejoice, even in the midst of trials and tribulations. The call to rejoice is qualified by two things: in the Lord and always. The speaker emphasizes that when we come to the ways of the Lord, we enter a different economy and government, one where God wants us to enjoy life and have a positive balance of joy, hope, and triumphs. The apostle Paul is an example of someone who could still rejoice despite being in prison and going through numerous trials. The speaker suggests that changing our perspective to see things through the lens of eternity and understanding that this world is controlled by Jesus Christ can also help us to rejoice.

Rejoicing in this world is possible when we understand that Jesus Christ controls everything. Our lives are hidden in Him, and everything on earth is relative compared to what awaits us in heaven. We should adopt an eternal perspective, like the Apostle Paul, who analyzed everything through the economy of God and eternity. Even when people misinterpret the Gospel for personal agendas, Christ is still preached, and that should not take away our peace. We should submit every difficulty to the machinery of the Gospel, pray, and seek passages in the Bible that encourage positive thoughts. Knowing the Word of God helps us adopt a Kingdom perspective that allows us to see things that happen throughout eternity. We should stay close to the Lord, fill our homes with the Word of God, and engage in healthy Kingdom conversations. God has called us to joy and peace, and we have to cooperate with Him to make His intentions for us come true. We should take actions that speak of joy, even if we don't feel it in our hearts, declare positive things with our mouths, and believe that everything turns out well in the end.

The speaker believes that everything turns out well in the end for God's children, and if it hasn't turned out well, then it's not the end yet. To attract joy into one's life, one should start serving, giving, and blessing others. We are like magnets, attracting good or evil based on our actions and confessions. The speaker suggests confessing faith, joy, and good intentions of the Lord. God wants us to be thermostats, controlling the environment to bring God's blessing. When a person affiliates with Jesus Christ, they are signing a war pact against the kingdom of darkness. When a community humbles itself before Jesus, the peace and joy of the Lord can come. The speaker believes that Christ is the solution to the world's problems, and we should tell our communities to take refuge in Christ Jesus. Even when there are tests and difficulties, we can still find a way to enjoy life because the Lord will be our joy. We have to make a decision to live a happy life and believe that God has good things for us.

Decide to live a happy life and rejoice in the Lord. Believe in God's good intentions for you and move in expectation of His happiness. Your sufficiency and worth are in the Lord. Rejoice and celebrate in the Lord, and let your grace and gentleness be known to all. Confess joy and receive the joy of the Lord. Ask God to replace any negativity or sadness with His peace and joy. May Christian communities reflect the joy of the Lord and spread it throughout the city. Thank God for making this joy possible through His blood and cross.

God has put it on my heart to share with you this call from God's Word to rejoice. Philippians chapter 4 in verse 4 the words of the Lord, is a call. There are people here who have lost loved ones, other people are going through different tribulations. And many of you have your issues like I have mine, my family too, of struggles and trials, difficulties and longings that we want to see God do in our lives. None of us can say that we are complete, like we don't need anything, and all situations are resolved. We all have loose ends, right? There are things in there that need to be ministered by the Lord, completed by the Lord.

But you know what? That in the midst of all those unresolved things, in the midst of all those needs and trials and tribulations and struggles, the Word of the Lord tells us in Philippians chapter 4, there is a call from God for you and me, and God tells us: rejoice. Listen to this. The Lord Himself originally through the writing of the Apostle Paul but that call reverberates through twenty centuries, 2,000 years of Church history since those words were issued and come to us this afternoon in this place. And the Lord tells us: rejoice brothers.

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