Prayer: A way of life

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author believes that prayer should be a lifestyle and not just a scheduled activity. She communicates with God throughout the day and believes that it is important to show Him how dependent we are on His decisions. Prayer does not need to be in a special place or with closed eyes, as we are always special to God no matter where we are.

I always ask God to allow me to wake up with a praise in my mind and as always, my good Shepherd grants it to me, when the light enters my eyes, and a praise surrounds my thought reminding me that He will always be my light and my awakening.

The subject of prayer has been much debated, I am not exactly a model of a "woman of prayer" and I do not mean it in the sense that I do not speak with God, no, He is a permanent occupant in my space, I spend almost the 90% of my time talking to him, thanking him for everything that happens in my life, sometimes and I have learned this by beating him up, even for what I consider inconvenient, because God has taught me along the way, that this works for the good of my life.

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