New wine in new wineskins

Awilda Gonzalez
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon is about the parable of new wine in new wineskins from Luke 5:36-39. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open and prepared for the new things that God wants to bring into our lives and congregations. The old ways and traditions may not work for the new blessings that God wants to pour out. The speaker encourages the congregation to be elastic in their minds and hearts to receive new ideas from God. The new wine is better, and we must be willing to let go of old patterns and ways of doing things to receive the new blessings. The old wine may be good, but the new wine is better.

God wants to pour out new wine on His church, but we must be willing to accept and adapt to the new ways and patterns that He brings. We must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him in obedience. Our expectations must align with God's plan, and we must renew our minds and be open to the Holy Spirit. When new wine is poured into new wineskins, it blesses others and results in victorious and fruitful lives. God is doing a new thing, and we must be ready to embrace it.

The speaker talks about how God wants to pour out new wine in our lives, which includes signs and wonders like healing and miracles. However, the speaker also warns that when God is advancing, obstacles may arise, and God will do what he needs to do to continue his advance. The congregation is encouraged to keep their minds and hearts open to what God has for them, and to pray for healing for those who are sick.

It is a pleasure to be here with you again, as Roberto mentioned, we are in the Texas area in Dallas, there is our Rossmon Christian Center church and there I also have a Bible study center at 1304 Southampton Road, for those who are listening to us through through the internet. So we are located in Dallas and for those of you who have known us for many years, let me just say that we are already grandparents. We have a grandson, a two-month-old boy, Amadeus Alejandro is his name and we are happy, with my eldest son Manuel Alejandro.

Then I want to invite you to turn to the word of the Lord, we are going to locate ourselves in the Gospel according to Saint Luke, Chapter 5 and we are going to be reading verses 36 to 39, let's locate our Bible, Let's leave it there open and I invite you to pray.

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