But Christ lives in me

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: To truly have Christ in our hearts, we must die to our old ways and selfish desires. We cannot have both the flesh and the Spirit ruling in us. Only when we die to our old selves can Christ live in us and transform us. This death is necessary for the resurrection of new life in Christ. As believers, we are partakers of God's nature but must not boast, as it is only through the death of our old selves that we can receive such a privilege. We must continue to fight the battle of faith, even when faced with obstacles.

We are of Christ. We assume that Christ is in us and enlivens our spirit, but the flesh (the philosophy of doing it my way and not God's way) sets traps, man sets obstacles, the heart is hardened like stone and in a heart of stone it is impossible to treasure the word of God. The Christ who gave himself for me cannot dwell on stony ground. At what point have you died in Christ so that He can live in you?

If the Christian does not die to his past life (to his selfishness, his self-centeredness, his egotism), Jesus has no place in his heart. He transforms the hardest heart, but yes, something has to die so that He glorifies himself and can “hearth” on the track of our “Heart-port”. If you don't think so, ask Lucas what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus. If Paul died to his hatred and his religious zeal when he recognized the voice of the Lord and surrendered at his feet; Why don't we just die on the cross so that Jesus can live and reign sovereignly in all of our being?

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