Blood of Christ

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The power of the blood of Jesus is the key to our faith. The Apostle Paul emphasized that the center of our faith is based on blood, the blood of Jesus, which is the basis of the power that we live as Christians. The blood of Jesus can cover our shame and heal us. The story of Abraham shows that God made a covenant with him, and the blood of the animals that Abraham sacrificed symbolized the covenant. God appeared to Abraham and walked through the divided animals, demonstrating that if He didn't keep His word, He would die. He fulfilled that promise on the cross, underlining His faithfulness with His own blood.

The story of Abraham and God making a covenant with him through the sacrifice of animals shows that God is serious about his promises and will even underline them with blood. Later, God provides a substitute sacrifice for Abraham's son, Isaac, foreshadowing the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The blood of Christ is what sets us free from sin and shame, and it is what justifies us before God's law. We can ask for the blood of Christ to cover us legally and spiritually, and it is through his blood that we overcome the enemy. The presence of God is dangerous, but the mercy seat, covered with blood, allows us to approach him with confidence and love.

The Apostle Paul teaches that he came to the Corinthians with weakness and fear, relying on the power of God rather than his own wisdom. He also speaks about his struggles, including a thorn in the flesh, and how God's power is perfected in our weaknesses. We are called to believe in the cross and live the cross, embracing suffering for the sake of the Gospel. We should ask for the blood of Jesus to cover us in spiritual warfare and struggles. The speaker also gives an invitation for anyone who wants to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

First Corinthians, Chapter 2, verse 1 to 5. The word of God says: "... So, brothers, when I came to you to announce the testimony of God, I did not go with excellence of words or wisdom, because I determined not to know anything from you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was among you with weakness and much fear and trembling and neither my word nor my preaching was with persuasive words of human wisdom but with demonstration of the spirit and power so that your faith is not founded on the wisdom of men but on the power of God…"

Father, in the name of Jesus we want to be such a church, Lord, when we preach and share the word we also do it as a prayer before you, saying, Lord, do this among us. Father, we want to be a church not filled with wisdom or human strength, we want the true, Lord, a demonstration of divine power among us. May it be genuine, Lord, not only your move among us but the faith of each one that rests on you and not on man. So speak to us today, I ask that your power be perfected in the weakness of this vessel, I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen and amen.

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