God speaks today Monday | April 22, 2024

And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you? (Joshua 18:3)
Do all things without murmurings and disputings: (Philippians 2:14)
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

Better is thanksgiving

The church sometimes becomes too focused on claiming God's promises and forgets to act and grow. Claiming promises can be like telling God he's doing things wrong. We should trust in God's grace and exercise control to mature in our Christian life. Like the tribes of Joseph, we often complain about not having enough and search for more blessings, but we should focus on being content with what God has provided and work to expand our territories. The church needs challenges, goals, and visions from God to avoid selfish complaints and claims. We should stay humble and avoid ostentation, putting our hope only in Christ. Thanksgiving is the greatest antidote to blurring ourselves and focusing on God's majesty. Read more...

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Use hospitality one to another without grudging. (1 Peter 4:9)
Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. (1 Corinthians 10:10)
And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, (Matthew 20:11)
For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. (James 1:20)


Carlos A. Borja Flores: As the author of this devotional so well puts it, "The church often focuses on claiming promises from God instead of being grateful for the blessings they have already received," "God's people need challenges, goals, and visions that come from the heart of God" The greatest challenge that the Church has at the moment is the evangelization of a world that we see daily behaving in the wrong way. In the book of Acts 1:8, Jesus established what the main mission of the Church is.
What you mention is true, Carlos. Thanksgiving and obedience are fundamental pillars in the Christian life, as Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas reminds us in his devotional. In Philippians 2:14 we are exhorted to do all things without murmuring or arguing, which invites us to focus on fulfilling the mission that God has given us. Just like in Acts 1:8, where Jesus urges us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. May we live in constant thanksgiving and commitment to the mission God has given us!
Clara: Very good message. Be grateful for much or little. But be very grateful
Clara, thank you for your comment. Indeed, gratitude towards God is fundamental in our Christian life, both for the great blessings and the small ones. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, thanksgiving helps us focus on the majesty of God and value everything He has given us. Let us always remember to be grateful to our Lord, in every circumstance and for every blessing. May gratitude be a constant feature in our lives!
Francisco Diaz S.: Who among us who have been invited to a dinner does not thank the host? Or that they have helped us out of a bind, don't we thank the benefactor for his management? All the more and with much more reason we must thank God for all the blessings received, which are many and at all times.- Thank you Lord for giving us what we have.
Francisco, your words highlight a profound truth: just as we thank our earthly hosts or benefactors, how much more should we thank God for all the blessings we constantly receive. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, thanksgiving helps us recognize the hand of God in our lives and value His goodness. May we continue to cultivate a grateful spirit at all times, recognizing that everything we have comes from Him. God bless your grateful heart, Francisco!
Sonia : Thank you! For the information, God always complies when I ask him. He answers the cry. Blessings!!🤗
Sonia, what a beautiful testimony yours. Indeed, as you mention, God is always willing to listen to us and respond to our requests. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas reminds us in his devotional, it is important to trust that God is working in our favor at all times. May your experience of watching God fulfill your requests be a constant reminder of His faithfulness and unfailing love. May you continue to experience His blessing and closeness at all times, Sonia! 🙏🏼
Ruth Vives.: God blesses our gracious offerings. The good Christian will thank God for his presence in the world and build in his name.
Ruth, your words reflect a profound truth. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, thanksgiving is essential in our Christian life. Recognizing God's presence in the world and giving thanks for His blessings edifies us and glorifies His name. May we continue to be grateful for all that God gives us, and may our actions reflect the gratitude that springs from our hearts. May God's grace continue to bless you, Ruth! 🙏🏼
Alba Fuentes : Glory to our God for his word and to you for sending the meditation every day 🤗🙏❤️we must be grateful for not complaining because to those who love God all things cooperate for our good 🙏🤗
Alba, ¡qué hermosas palabras compartes! Es cierto, como mencionas, debemos glorificar a Dios por Su Palabra y por todas las bendiciones que recibimos a través de ella. Tu actitud de gratitud y reconocimiento refleja lo que Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas nos insta a recordar en su devocional: la importancia de la acción de gracias en nuestra vida cristiana. Que sigas siendo fortalecida por la Palabra de Dios y que tu corazón siga rebosando gratitud en todo momento. ¡Que la paz y el amor de Dios te acompañen siempre, Alba! 🙏🏼❤️