King James Version
And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.(Genesis 11:11)
And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah:(Genesis 11:12)
And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.(Genesis 11:13)
And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber:
And Salah lived after he begat Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.(Genesis 11:15)
And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg:(Genesis 11:16)
And Eber lived after he begat Peleg four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.(Genesis 11:17)

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The Lord will grant us the requests of our hearts
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God uses different ways to work His miracles in our lives
Exploring the ways in which God performs miracles in our lives through prophetic acts and symbols. author: Dr. Roberto Miranda, title: God uses different ways to work His miracles in our lives, summary: Examining the story of Elisha and the Shunammite womans son, the article highlights the importance of discerning the Holy Spirits guidance for prophetic acts and symbols in experiencing Gods miracles.

Genesis 11:14 - Cross Reference