So busy and troubled ...

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: We often act like Marta in the Bible, burdening ourselves with many things to please God. However, we need to remember that God has already blessed us and there is nothing we can do to please Him more than what Christ has already done. We need to seek God's guidance and not fall for false prophets or self-loving men. Our main mission is to preach the Gospel. Let us pray for guidance and trust in God to reveal His plans for us.

A few days ago someone reminded me of the passage where Jesus tells Marta: "Marta, Marta, you are troubled and troubled with many things." Lk 10.41-42. Many of us often act like Marta and the most dangerous thing is that, in most cases we drag our family with us. Without realizing it we become people who will never be satisfied with what they do for God, because we have set very high goals and we should keep a few things in mind:

God does not put burdens on us and we burdened ourselves to the point of being overwhelmed, wanting to do more and more things to please God, forgetting that there is nothing we can do to please him because everything was already done by our Lord Jesus and that God leaves us very clear in Eph 1.2-14

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