Persistent faith (Matthew 15)

Omar Soto
Omar Soto
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The story in Mathew 15 about a Canaanite woman seeking healing for her daughter from Jesus can be difficult to understand because of the confrontational language used. However, the story demonstrates the persistence and great faith of the woman, who despite being a gentile and therefore considered impure by the Pharisees, recognized Jesus as the Messiah and approached Him for help. Despite initial rejection from the disciples and Jesus' use of the term "dog" to refer to her, the woman persisted in her belief that Jesus could heal her daughter and was rewarded for her faith. This story teaches us the importance of persistent faith and the impact it can have on future generations.

The passage talks about a woman who persistently seeks healing for her daughter from Jesus despite rejection from the disciples. Her faith is rewarded when Jesus heals her daughter. The speaker then shares a personal story about a child they had been ministering to who passed away, and how God's will prevailed in that situation. The message is to persist in faith and focus on Jesus, knowing that the reward may come in ways we don't expect. The speaker invites anyone who wants to accept Jesus into their heart to raise their hand for prayer.

Let’s pray. Father, we’ve come to the point today of sharing your word together and I’m always enthusiastic at this part because I know the life that it brings to us, Lord. The praise and worship is so important, it connects us to you, Lord. We worship you also through our tithes and offerings, but now is the moment in which we open our hearts and spirits to receive your word. Help us to have a teachable heart, Lord Jesus that even though it may be a word we have heard before that we can always receive something new from it. Your word is living and active and I pray for that life to touch our lives today. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

I invite you to go with me to the Book of Mathew, Chapter 15. We’ll try to be as brief as possible, I want to make the most of the time. Mathew, Chapter 15, starting at verse 21. This is a text that can be very difficult to understand and interpret because it has certain confrontations that can be difficult to understand specially because it involves a particular woman. If we read the story here we’re going to see what I’m talking about.

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