Maria Elena Rego Rojas

Maria Elena Rego Rojas

María Elena Rego Rojas was born in the City of Havana, Cuba, in the neighborhood of La Víbora, Diez de Octubre Municipality. She currently lives in the Santos Suárez neighborhood, in the same municipality, she is an economist by profession and has a master's degree in this specialty, currently working as a Professor of higher level accounting subjects. It belongs to the Moses Nathanael McCall Church.

María Elena writes: “I was born in 1954 in the neighborhood of La Víbora, in the midst of a beautiful family, purely Catholic; my father was even an Augustinian, so I grew up in purely religious patterns. Already in the 90s and thanks to the preaching of a Pentecostal sister, I began to delve into the word of God and for 10 years I have been a member of a Baptist Church. I have two children and three grandchildren. My greatest desire is to be able to serve God by working with children and youth, I also love writing and, of course, teaching.”

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