Imitating Christ in his character

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The gospel of grace is important for both unbelievers and believers. Christian character is demonstrated through integrity and convictions, lived out by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our code of ethics and compass for our journey towards Christlikeness. Jesus is our role model in the moral order and we should strive to follow his example. Holiness encompasses our relationship with God and others. We should humble ourselves, love our neighbors, and grow in aspects of Jesus' character with the help of the Spirit. Let us look to Jesus to live lives that please God and glorify Him.

I am becoming more and more convinced that the gospel of grace is not only for unbelievers, but also for believers. In our walk with Christ we need grace not to lose the Christocentric focus and our minds and hearts are strengthened every day to go through deserts and trials and on the other hand, experience the joy of being children of God. In brief words, the teachings that Jesus bequeathed to us about the character that his disciples should have cannot be summarized based on his example.

Character speaks of integrity and convictions. From the biblical point of view, Christian character is manifested in a life of integrity by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. The inner man feeds on the Spirit and lives by the Spirit to manifest in his life the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23). The Christian character is to live in practice what is preached in words. Nothing is more sad and frustrating than discovering a life of double standards in a servant of God, in a brother of faith that we love and respect.

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