God's advice

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Many people come to church with emotional burdens and depression caused by the wounds of the world, such as divorce, adultery, loss of a loved one, and abuse. God has given us his Word to understand the roots of most mental disorders and to provide an infallible remedy to eradicate them at the root. Acknowledging our sin and rebellion before God is often the beginning of a healthy self-therapy that allows the Holy Spirit to work powerfully to renew the mind. God esteems his children and wants our thoughts to be captive to his Word and obedience. Unresolved conflicts can lead to behavior disorders, and forgiveness, humility, and love of neighbor are divine solutions to repair broken relationships. Daily study of the Word, communion in prayer, and giving thanks in everything can bring peace of mind and heart. We should always seek God's advice and direction in our lives.

For all the brothers and sisters in Christ who have come to church tormented by depression and mired in humanistic judgment about the meaning of life, I have a short hopeful message from the Lord : “ I have come that they may have life and have it to the full ”(John 10:10). Abundance is not full, nor is life profuse and important if it does not include the health of the mind and, consequently, a behavior consistent with the rules of conduct of the creator.

Every day individuals with unsustainable emotional burdens produced by the wounds of the world arrive in our churches in search of help they cannot describe: divorces, adulteries, loss of a loved one, romantics who feel hopeless and ill-reciprocated, sexually abused women, victims of domestic violence, etc. God has given us his Word to understand, conclusively, the roots of most disturbances and dysfunctions of the mind. Unlike the sciences that deal with alleviating these disorders, the Bible proposes the infallible remedy to eradicate them at the root with total authority: the very Word of God.

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